Relief to populations affected by famine in the Laikipia region around the village of Mutaro

Informazioni sul Progetto

A protracted drought has persisted in many parts of Kenya. The semi-arid region of Laikipia is not an exception. The pastures are depleted. The Wasu River Nyiro has stopped flowing, many lakes are drying up, and everywhere the water is rationed.

The village of Mutaro, located on the eastern border of Ol Ari Nijro, is inhabited by about 100 families with single mothers employed in casual jobs and belonging mainly to the Turkana tribe.

The population is mostly composed of women and children living in conditions of extreme poverty. The stocks of maize are depleted and the purchase of food is more expensive in local stores

The Gallmann Memorial Foundation, operating for more than one generation in Olari Nyiro – Laikipia West – is involved in humanitarian and educational works – to help the neighbors.


Funding of the initial purchase of food (beans, cereals, fat, sugar and salt) that will be distributed by volunteers to the populations

Risultati Attesi

Cope with the emergency

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