22/2021 – PROGETTO ‘Supporto universitario ad una studentessa meritevole n.2’ – .

Informazioni sul Progetto

Nella località di Archer’s Post  l’ estremo livello di povertà, di risorse economiche e di educazione, non ha confronto con nessuna delle altre missioni in Kenia .

Il Dispensario della missione di Archer’s Post , situato nella contea di Marsabit, a Nprd del Kenia oltre all’ assistenza medica e scolastica, supporta le persone piu’ disagiate della comunità

Maisha Marefu accoglie la richiesta di aiuto di Sister Magdalene per il sostegno alla studentessa Njeru Nyawira:

‘Hi!.. Christina,  This is the girl from Embu, tomorrow I will meet a girl from Samburu whom I have identified. Mean while,  this girl from Embu is called Wincate Nyawira.  She is 22 years old and  she is in Kenyatta University.  She is on in years and went to school late because her parents were not in a position to pay the school fees in time.. She  is an intelligent girl taking a degree in Education Arts-Mathematics ….She is doing very well in her studies despite the difficulties that she is going through, at the moment she has not gone back to the University even after the Corona break due to financial difficulties.  Kindly assist her to pay the school fees so that she is able to accomplish her goals and develop the world through completion of her studies.  I have also attached the school fees structure and the University student identity card. Am ready for more information  if needed since I knew the struggles of the girl since when I was in Embu and she is ready to share.  Thanks so much.’ (Allegati 1-2-3-4

Il presente progetto segue il precedente  n. 3/2021 ( l’ anno scolastico  sarebbe iniziato a settembre 2020 ma era stato posticipato per il Covid).


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